On this somnolent Sunday morning we all awoke to the news of yet another radical, violent, crazy, fevered Muslim bastard taking up arms for ISIS and shooting up a nightclub in Orlando Florida. Apparently there are 50 victims dead with 53 wounded at this time. Sadly the death toll may rise as many of the people in the hospitals and trauma centers are critically injured. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these people and their loved ones.
“Deer Dust” and Other Vapid Idiocies
Once again the ladies of “The View” mine new depths of vapid idiocy.
Random Thoughts About the Gun Control Debate
Wayne Was Right*
*But shhhh…….don’t tell anyone………………
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.”
There’s this meme going around…
There’s this FaceBook meme going around today and it is one that is easily shot dead in the doorway although I have already seen reports of a few congress-critters using this as if it is a fact.
Two Stories That Show We Clearly Need More Gun Laws /SARCASM
Exhibit #1
Hartford man arrested for 34th time
This is what is wrong in a nutshell.
This guy has been arrested 34 times and yet he’s still out there.
Wow, They Had Me Worried There For A Minute
Apparently there has been a threat made against some shopping malls in America. Specifically the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN.
They’re Coming Not Just For Your Guns But Your Steak Too
Here’s a scary headline:
“Feds: America Should Adopt ‘Plant-Based’ Diet”
I don’t know what all the fuss is about, really. I already eat a plant-based diet. The cows eat the plants and I eat the cows.
Elizabeth Warren Doesn’t Know Anything & Neither Does Barbara (please call me Senator) Boxer
Recently Dizzy Lizzy said this:
“Who does this new Republican Congress work for—foreign oil companies or the American people?”
I feel I must ask her who exactly does she work for?
File this under “Ya can’t make this shit up people”
Marie Harf says we need to get terrorists jobs.
Just when you think they’ve hit rock-bottom in the moon-bat department they dive a little deeper. Be afraid folks, be very afraid. My God this woman has influence in our State Department. She started her career as a Middle East analyst for the CIA and then worked on Obama’s election campaign. Now she is the Deputy Spokesperson for the US State Department……and……… she has a solution to the terrorist problem plaguing the middle east and just about everywhere else. As Crazy Old Uncle Joe would say: “It’s a three letter word, J-O-B-S.